DGS Journal Name Index
We are pleased to announce an improved update to our searchable name index for DGS Journals that have been published since October 1980. The new table has many corrections and missed names added with over 70,960 entries.
To facilitate searches of last names we have made the following changes to how last names are listed:
- All apostrophes (e.g., O’Neal) and spaces (e.g., Du Pont) have been eliminated in the Last Name column to facilitate alphabetization and maximize the number of hits for a given spelling.
- For any last name modified, the original transcription is given in the Notes column.
- Alternate spellings for a last name may be listed in the Notes column. This is because there are often variants to the spelling of last names, especially before the mid-1800s. For instance, Hendrickson has about twenty different possible spellings.
- Finally, when known, we have added maiden names for married women in parentheses in their First Name column.
We have also identified the 1900+ African American entries in our database. For slave or manumission records where no last name is given, we used the last name of the owner when known as a substitute last name. All African American entries can be found by searching African American in the Notes column.
We suggest that you begin your search broadly by using the Search function. Those results can be refined by using filters for First Name and Last Name. For further assistance on how to use filters, visit Chart/Table Help.
When you have found the name(s), jot the volume, issue, and page number down. Then go to the Journal Archive to search and view the journal issue you’re looking for. The archive is accessible to members only. If you’re not a member, learn about the benefits of joining at Join/Renew.
See also DGS Journal Table of Contents and DGS Journal Subject Index.
DGS Journal Full Name Index
*Note: Beginning with Volume 21, Number 1, page numbers in the Journal Archive start with ‘S’, to denote that those journals are supplements to the First State Genealogist, DGS’s newsletter. However, in the below Name Index table, the page numbers appear as numerals without the ‘S’.