DGS Event Locations
Beginning in 2020, DGS events transitioned to virtual webinars, which has opened up our programs to people around the world. Registration is required for all of our events. To learn more, visit Calendar of DGS Events.
At some point in the future, we expect to host periodic in-person gatherings in the local area. Some of the locations where prior DGS programs have been held include:
Delaware Historical Society (DHS), 505 North Market Street, Wilmington DE. For location and resources see www.dehistory.org
Hockessin Library, located on Valley Road, Hockessin, DE. For location and resources see http://nccde.org/329/Hockessin-Library
Immanuel Church, Highlands, located at the corner of 17th Street and Riverview, Wilmington, DE. For location and resources see https://www.immanuelhighlands.church/Home